Grabbing Golden Opportunities in Your Signature Coaching Program:What they are, with examples, and how you can find more in your biz

Golden Opportunities in Your Signature: AKA easy ways to make more money without adding anything else to your plate Coaching Program:

Welcome! This post is a must-read for established women entrepreneurs looking to increase total revenue from their signature package, group coaching program or mastermind without adding more to their already full plate.

I'm Katie Peacock, a conversion copywriter, sales funnel strategist, and creator of Your Signature Promise, a messaging-focused mastermind for established women entrepreneurs who want to refine their marketing assets so they can spend more time offline while getting a bigger ROI from the work they’re already doing.

Today, we’re diving into the concept of Golden Opportunities: what are they, some real client examples, and how to start grabbing more of these high-impact opportunities inside your existing business.

First things first, when I talk about finding the Golden Opportunities inside your signature offer, this is what I mean:

As entrepreneurs, we are always trying to do more with less. 

Since I first started out in online business, I’ve been committed to helping women online entrepreneurs get a bigger impact from the work they’re already doing. 

Golden Opportunities are the places where you stand to:

  • Increase conversions,

  • Increase your lifetime customer value,

  • Increase your average order value,

  • Increase your total sales,

  • Increase brand awareness with your Solid Gold Clients,

  • Increase total number of warm leads, OR

  • Increase client satisfaction / your re-sign rate

…simply by:

  1. Optimizing your copy

  2. Making an offer, or

  3. Adding an email automation

^^ All of which are shifts that can be made WITHOUT you logging more hours online.

Golden opportunities are those moments within your business where a minor tweak or a strategic pivot can lead to disproportionately positive outcomes.

Whether it's refining your sales copy, optimizing your landing pages, or reimagining your client onboarding process, these opportunities are all about working smarter, not harder.

When I work with clients, I am always looking for Golden Opportunities for you to make more money and serve your clients better. 

This might look like making sure you’re making the right offer at the right time, making your messaging more aligned or noticing places where you're not making a CTA but could be. 

Before I get into more specific examples of Golden Opportunities, just know that I consider them to be elegant solutions, tips and tricks that will increase your ease and your income with very little effort. 

Inside Your Signature Promise, Month 5 is completely dedicated to the Golden Opportunities on offer to you inside your business. 

If you haven’t checked out the full details yet, then you should know that:

  • In Month 1 we focus on Immersive Copy Research—check out this post for 5 quick wins you can expect from starting with Immersive Copy Research

  • Month 2 is all about dialling in your positioning, and specifically, making sure that your sales page for your signature program is optimized to convert 

  • Month 3,  is all about your launch messaging, your launch emails and assets and the strategy that you're using to launch your signature offer

  • In Month 4, we focus on finessing your funnels. Using the Funnel Maps and frameworks I provide, you will get at least one new evergreen funnel online during our time together. 

  • And then Month 5 is - as mentioned - Grabbing Golden Opportunities << There is a list of Golden Opportunities included in the course material, but I’m also confident that after 4 months of working together, I’ll be able to recommend at least 5 tailored-to-you Golden Opportunities you and your team can easily implement in your biz.

    Note: The number of Golden Opportunities you choose to work on and implement during Your Signature Promise fully depends on your season, your business, and the team you have for support. There is no pressure to take on more than you can handle and you’re obviously welcome to take my ideas and execute on them after your time in the program has ended.

  • Finally, Month 6 is all about Data-Based Refinements, and that’s where we’ll take a look at the results you’ve gotten from the work we’ve done together and see where we can make further refinements to maximize the ROI you’re getting both in your marketing and within your offers. 

So what are some examples of Golden Opportunities that might be waiting for you inside your signature offer?

When I first collaborated with my now good friend and repeat client, Sue Crites, it was in the capacity of The Signature Offer Upgrade, the 1:1, done-for-you version of Your Signature Promise.

One of the deliverables that I provided for Sue was a Golden Opportunity Playbook.

Today, I want to share some of the Golden Opportunities that I scouted for Sue and what’s become of them since then. 

For context here, Sue is a Master Healer and certified Spring Forest Qigong Instructor. She has a thriving online Qigong membership community called Energy In Motion

Golden Opportunity #1: Automate Audience Feedback

Part of the initial research I did on Sue’s existing freebies and funnels involved auditing the backend of her email marketing platform to see which landing pages were active and which emails were going out when someone signed up for her freebies. 

In addition to scoping all of that out and  identifying holes & redundancies, I also spotted a Golden Opportunity to add a one-question survey to Sue’s Thank You pages, so that we could gain a better understanding of what drives her audience members to seek out her content.

We also added what I call a “Newsletter Starter Survey” to Sue’s welcome sequence, which is a great place to learn more about your email list subscribers and get some inspiration for future content. 

In the 1st module of Your Signature Promise, I recommend automating this type of market research at 4 different points in your customer journey, so that you know which messages will hit the mark with prospects at different stages of awareness. 

You can also learn more about my approach to automating the process of collecting Voice of Customer research in my pre-recorded workshop, Find Your Money Making Messages:

Find Your Money Making Messages: A 75-minute masterclass in Voice of Customer research for online business owners who want more confidence in their messaging (and more money in the bank)

Golden Opportunity #2: Incentivize Referrals

Now, Sue’s community member’s love her. 

Like, REALLY love her, and rightly so. She's amazing.

So one of the first ideas that I came up with for Sue was of having a referral incentive for her community members who are already raving about her space. 

Because Sue’s qigong community is a B2C offer, it’s a great candidate for this kind of referral program because often her members are people who have fully bought into qigong as an essential part of their daily routine, people who can‘t help talking about their qigong practice with family and friends—

By creating referral incentive, Sue has the opportunity to monetize her students’ ability and desire to rave about her program and the results that they've gotten from daily qigong. 

This Golden Opportunity requires nothing from Sue other than a compelling offer as the referral incentive, e.g. giving an existing member 1 month free when a new member joins and cites them as the referral source. 

All Sue’s team needs to do is regularly remind members of this fact in the existing community space and make sure they’re tracking new members’ referral sources.

If Sue was willing to add an extra level of complexity, she could also implement this by inviting members to sign up as affiliates on a platform like Thrivecart (that’s my affiliate link bc Thrivecart has so many features I love), though this step likely makes more sense for someone with a B2B audience who can promote your offer to their audiences as well.

Golden Opportunity #3: Implement a Seasonal Sales Campaign

This third Golden Opportunity was actually based on something I heard in Sue's voice of customer data, which was a few different people saying that they had joined her membership in January, while they were feeling that “new year new me” kind of energy. 

Because Sue has a membership that’s always open, I suggested that she might benefit from having a seasonal, not even necessarily a launch, but a seasonal push for enrollment, inviting people in. Because, obviously, I mean, we all know that that is a very common energy, right of having this sense of January as a fresh slate, and wanting to leave the excesses of December behind us and start fresh in the new year.

Doing a seasonal push is an easy way for Sue to enroll new members, and I know she has just finished doing it and has been successful in that effort.

The underlying opportunity here too is one that I mention in this blog post, but essentially this Golden Opportunity was something where we saw that response come up in a survey we sent to her email list, and we were able to take that insight and act on it, and as a result, Sue has seen a new influx of people into her community.

Golden Opportunity #4: Creating a Bundle of Short Trainings

Another idea that I gave Sue in her Golden Opportunities Playbook was to create a bundle of short trainings.

This too was the result of the Voice of Customer research that we had done, where a few different people said that they were not interested in the membership itself, they didn't feel that they needed the ongoing community and support that Sue offers there, but they were interested in having more than one short training. 

This actually relates closely to my next point…

Golden Opportunity #5: Create automated email sequences to sell your existing offers to your existing audience without lifting a finger

 I also helped Sue prioritize the creation of her mini offers, and of the sales funnels that put them in front of her audience. 

Sue has a few standalone trainings, in addition to her membership. 

As part of The Signature Offer Upgrade, I created a funnel map for Sue that showed her how we could use different automated email sequences to her individual offers, giving her a bird's eye view of how funnels for her different offers  would all work together. 

Sue recently let me know that, after implementing the sequence we created to sell one of her mini offers, she sold more copies of that short video training in 6 months than she had in the past three years combined. 

I absolutely love this result for Sue and I love being able to share with you because it's so obvious, but like, yeah—

When you have when you have a sales sequence in place for an offer, obviously, you're going to sell more of it than when an offer is just sitting on your digital shelf!

Taking action on the Golden Opportunities waiting inside your offers:

Now, I totally get that it can be hard to find the time and motivation to create this kind of email sequence for yourself—or even to find the time and motivation to hire a copywriter to craft something like this for you. 

You might be thinking, “Does anybody even want to read these emails? What goes in these emails? What's the strategy behind these emails? I don't want to do this unless I'm going to do it right.”

And look, I totally get it. It is a lot of work. 

But when you are ready to make more sales of your signature offer—and actually start selling those workshops and mini-trainings that are currently gathering dust, here are 2 ways I can help:

👉 You can hire me to do it for you, OR

👉You can tackle these projects, with expert guidance and all of my templates and frameworks to guide you, inside Your Signature Promise.

These kinds of high-impact copy projects do have a lot of moving pieces, which is one of the reasons they often get skipped over on your To Do list. 

Inside Your Signature Promise, your tasks have already been prioritized for you, so you know exactly where to start.

You have a step by step procss to follow, you have my templates and swipe library to be inspired by, and you're able to get my feedback on your sales copy and content 3x each month.

Not to mention, I keep weekly Voxer Office Hours in case you have a question you need to talk through between our calls.

Join us inside Your Signature Promise and you too can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have automated systems in place, selling your offers for you, even when you’re not online. 

You’ll experience a renewed connection with your ideal clients and so much more inspiration when it comes to the content you create. 

And you’ll have messaging that clearly articulates the incredible transformation you offer, in copy that calls in your dreamiest, most motivated buyers. 

Let’s elevate the marketing of your signature offer inside Your Signature Promise—

Find the full details + FAQ and next steps right here. 

Questions about YSP or this post? 

Come chat with me in the DMs over on Instagram. I’d love to hear what’s on your mind. 

xo KP


5 ways to refine the messaging and marketing of your signature offer


3 Types of Website that Build Your Authority ...and drive sales of your signature program