Launch Copy Coaching:

Confidently launch your next offer with the strategy & support of an expert partner by your side

Katie is a top level, excellent copywriter with knowledge of the psychological strategies that help you build trust and sell. 

– Erin Mathis, Style Coach,

Cookie-cutter launch strategies don’t work anymore.

(Did they ever, really?)

Your launch is still a couple of months away, but you’re already thinking about all the copy you’ll need to write and… 

It’s a lot.

If you’re going to do all that work, you want to know you’re doing it right. 

Thing is, what’s right for one audience might not be right for yours—that’s why a pack of templates alone won’t cut it. 

You don’t want a cookie-cutter strategy that worked for someone else. 

You want a strategy that feels right for your business and your audience. 

…tailored-to-you tips on how to optimize your offers, and 

…expert feedback on all the copy you write so that you can feel confident in your copy and show up like a CEO.  

And if you could get some moral support along with all that? You certainly wouldn’t say no.

Katie Peacock - Conversion Copywriter and Evergreen Funnel Strategist

If launching makes you feel terri-whelmed (that nauseating combination of terrified and overwhelmed), know this:

You don’t have to do it alone!

Launch Copy Coaching gets you personalized launch strategy & support, based on my proven Launch Prep Process.

 When you sign up for Launch Copy Coaching, you get:

 PLUS: Access to my extensive library of email templates, examples and step-by-step walkthroughs. So that you always know what you’re doing and you NEVER have to start from scratch.

 By the time you’re done, you’ll find yourself falling in love with your copy—just ask my Launch Copy Coaching client, Diane Evans: 


“Katie, I have to tell you, I'm falling in love with my sales page.”

I really just wanted you to write my copy for me because, you know, it's just hard for me and I felt like “Oh, it’d just be so much better” but I feel like by you coaching me through it, the words are my words but better. 

There are certain sections that I read and I almost get teared up. I love it so much. I read how you crafted what I said and I think, “Yes! That's exactly the way I wanted to say it.

Diane Evans, Photographer & Course Creator

 “Will Launch Copy Coaching help me have a breakthrough launch?”

Katie Peacock - Conversion Copywriter and Evergreen Funnel Strategist

This is NOT for you if:

  • • You’re looking for help with your web copy, social media content, or evergreen funnel 

  • • You REALLY struggle with writing your own copy, so much that you put it off whenever you can.
    If that’s the case, you’re much better off having me write your copy for you in the context of a VIP Week or done-for-you copy project.

  • • You don’t actually have time to write all the copy you’ll need for your launch, so you’re hoping I’ll do most of the heavy lifting. I *can* take this work off your plate, but not within this package. 


This offer is perfect for you if:

  • You have a live launch coming up and you want to feel completely confident your copy can convert

  • You’re a decent writer yourself, but you’d love some expert help to make sure you’re really hitting the right notes in your copy so that you can be sure your sales emails are doing all they can

  • You’re interested in learning how to write sales copy that converts, so you’re prepared to make time to get this work done (plus, you love the idea of getting access to my templates, swipes & step-by-step guides). 

Katie Peacock - Conversion Copywriter and Evergreen Funnel Strategist

 Diane loved having both some structure & a sounding board


The best part of Katie’s Launch Copy Coaching was that it gave me structure and a sounding board! Launching solo is terrifying, overwhelming, and you don't get any input on my ideas, strategies, or copy. 

Having Katie there to ask targeted questions, refine my words, and give the launch structure when it came to the timing, communication, and schedule was invaluable! 

Diane Evans, Photographer & Course Creator

 Because you don’t want to wing it when it comes to the work that’s straight up critical to your launch success…

Launch Copy Coaching includes:

  • Weekly Coaching Calls: Week-by-week guidance on which steps to take and what to work on, in what order, to get your launch copy ready for next promotion

  • Video Feedback via Loom: 8 weeks of Copy Feedback on the copy you produce during our collaboration

  • Up to 30 mins of Voxer coaching per week so you can get quick answers & keep moving forward

  • Video trainings on launch essentials like how to choose the perfect freebie or what type of launch event is right for you ← Curated based on the style & type of launch you want

  • Resources, incl. templates, examples and step-by-step walkthroughs for each component of your live launch funnel and how to use the research that will make sure your copy resonates

Erin pulled off a $35k+ pilot launch of her brand new signature program


Katie helped me organize a complex launch plan QUICKLY and efficiently

When I first reached out to Katie I was feeling overwhelmed. I knew I needed help to create effective, strategic messaging for my launch campaign. 

Katie helped me organize a complex launch plan QUICKLY and efficiently. She supplied me with strategic advice and templates, plus copy coaching that made all my messaging really strong. 

Working with Katie, I was able to meet my goal of 50 enrollments for a pilot launch of my signature program. That’s a $35k+ launch... and this is just the beginning. 

I’m so happy to have worked with Katie and would love to work together again. It really was a pleasure! 

- Erin Mathis, Style Coach

 If you’re not ready to hand over the reins completely, but you know you want expert support, Launch Copy Coaching gets you the best of both worlds:

  • The benefits of my deep-dive Copy Research without the price tag of having me dive in and do it for you

  • Strategic insight on everything from your opt-in offer to your sales page, to help you make sure you’re writing copy for an audience who can’t wait to pick up what you’re putting down

  • A strategic partner to advise you as you prepare for your upcoming launch: I won’t just review your copy, I’ll help make sure you’re creating a simple-yet-effective funnel that won’t burn you out 

  • Total confidence in your copy, which allows you to fully show up behind your offer and charge what your work is worth

  • As a full funnel copywriter, I’ll help you make sure your entire funnel is optimized, from your lead magnet, to your webinar topic, to your sales page.

Katie Peacock - Conversion Copywriter and Evergreen Funnel Strategist

My done-for-you launch copy packages range from $10-15,000+

But when you sign up for Launch Copy Coaching?

Not only do you get my strategic input, messaging magic and eye for opportunities to make more sales

You also learn the logic behind my recommendations—so that you can apply those insights on your next launch and the ones after that.

Not to mention, you’ll be so confident in your new copy assets, you’ll want to repurpose them as soon as you can (evergreen funnel, anyone?)

These skills are invaluable, now, and for the future of your business

 Before I worked with Katie, launching made me feel overwhelmed… and a bit terrified. I felt confident my program is good and what my audience needs/wants. But I wasn't confident in my ability to relay it's value so that my audience understood what it was and why they needed it. 

I really thought Katie would just help me with words - but the fact that she helped me figure out my customer's words was golden.  

Because I had Katie’s templates and guidance to get started, I felt like I wasn't just guessing or wasting time. And then to get her feedback on my efforts - and not just corrected, but with a video explanation of WHY she made certain changes – that was incredibly valuable, both for this launch and for the future of my business.

Diane Evans, Photographer & Course Creator

 Launch Copy Coaching

• Done-with-you launch strategy & calendar

• 8 weeks of 1:1 Coaching Calls

• Weekly feedback on your copy and

• Voxer coaching as you go, right up until your cart’s closed

Plus all the resources and templates you need to bring your launch to life

your investment? 2 payments of $1800 usd

Optional Add-on: VIP Day 

If you’d like the lock in the opportunity to hand over the reins completely and have me either polish your work to a shine OR take a tough job (like your sales page) off your plate, you can add a VIP Day (6.5 hrs of done-for-you copywriting) for $500 off the regular price:

+$2000 usd

Ready to lock in your spot?

Prefer to book a call to make sure we’re a perfect fit?  My pleasure.
Click here to schedule a no-pressure Consult Call.

 “If you want to figure out how to best communicate with your audience so that they truly understand who you are and what you can offer then, then work with Katie now.”


She not only helps you figure out exactly what your customers want and need, but how they talk about it. And that gives you the perfect opportunity to connect with your audience in the best way possible.

Diane Evans, Photographer & Course Creator


Not sure where to focus your time, money & oh-so-precious attention?

Answer 5 quick questions for a customized recommendation on where investing in your copy will get you the biggest ROI: